Columbia Tested Tough Brand Campaign Challenge: Brand had drifted from its roots, how do we restore vibrance and lost market share?
Real: Founders Tim and Gert Boyle (One Tough Mother). Born in PacNW. Affordable performance.

Beautiful: It shouldn’t cost a mortgage payment to enjoy the outdoors.
Expression: Revived “Tested Tough” brand platform, featuring Tough Mother/Chairman Gert Boyle

Roadmap: Streaming & broadcast TV, paid social, display, print, billboards, retail.
Results: 1.2 billion impressions, launched in 63 countries, annual sales over $3 billion*
*Overall Tested Tough campaign performance

Broadcast television spots

Hulu Preroll

Media Partners:

“North's Tested Tough campaign is the most effective in our company's history.”

— Tim Boyle, CEO Columbia Sportswear

“I actually like North.”

— Gert Boyle, CEO Columbia Sportswear
1924-2019 RIP


  1.2 billion impressions.   1.2 billion impressions.     Launched in 63 countries.     Launched in 63 countries.     Annual sales surged past $3 billion.     Annual sales surged past $3 billion.

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